About the Society

The Society of Hygiene and Community Medicine (SHCM) is a branch of the Czech Medical Association of J. E. Purkyně (CzMA). The SHCM is a voluntary, independent association of physicians, other university educated experts and employees in the health sector with professional orientation in public health, community medicine (environmental health), primary prevention, and health protection and promotion. SHCM has developed inter alia the Conception of hygiene and public health in the Czech Republic (2001) and takes care of its implementation.

The main tasks of SHCM includes supervision of professional education in health protection and promotion and in relevant disciplines of hygiene, support of scientific progress in hygiene disciplines and organize or guarantee of congresses, conferences and other scholarly events. The SHCM, in cooperation with the National Institute of Public Health, publish the scientific quarterly journal HYGIENA. The Society operates on the territory of the Czech Republic and its domicile is Prague. [Leaflet About the Society - In Czech]


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